L’animazione di Via Campesina

Together we can cool the planet

Il 16 ottobre è stata celebrata la giornata internazionale per la sovranità alimentare, la ricordiamo pubblicando e sostenendo l’animazione di Via Campesina e Grain.

Questo nuovo video della Via Campesina e GRAIN vi da le informazioni che vi servono per capire come il sistema agroindustriale del cibo abbia impatti sul nostro clima e come noi dalle nostre piccole azioni possiamo essere parte di soluzioni innovative.

Buona visione!

For many years, La Vía Campesina and GRAIN have been telling the world about how the agroindustrial food system causes half of all greenhouse gas emissions. But the world’s governments are refusing to face these problems head on, and the Paris Summit in December is approaching without any effective commitment to doing so on their part.
This new video by La Vía Campesina and GRAIN gives you the information you need to understand how the agroindustrial food system is impacting our climate, and at the same time what we can do to change course and start cooling the planet. And every single one of us is part of the solution!
In the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa, for many years, we have been criticizing false solutions to climate change like GMOs, the “green” economy, and “climate-smart” agriculture. No two ways about it: the solution to the climate crisis is in the hands of small farmers, along with consumers who choose agroecological products from local markets. This is the message we’re taking to the Paris Climate Change Conference this December.
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